Jo’burg’s very own cake bosses

This is a launch review. And yes, cakes were harmed

I was lucky enough to be invited to Junipa’s Cake Studio for a high tea on Friday. I thought it was the opening of a new little store only to discover that this gem of a coffee shop / cake studio has been tucked away in the the Hobart Grove Centre in Bryanston for years.

It was a chilly day but the warm welcome by the staff and the smell of fresh goods being baked and delicious coffee brewing had us feeling at home straight away. While I sat catching up with old friends and new, I made my way through some of the treats available to us, which included smoked salmon with cream cheese on bruchetta, spinach and feta phylo parcels, sundried tomato galettes, pizettes, brioche with masherated prune in port, scones (plain and lemon thyme), carrot cake, frangipani and strawberry tart, passion fruit meringue tarts, Junipa’s Signature red velvet cake (WITHOUT food colouring), red velvet pettit fours, rich fruit cake with glaced fruit. pistachio whoopi cushions (which I went ‘whoopi’ over), orange blossom profiteroles with caramel, caramel profiteroles, chocolate mint tarts and blackberry and vanilla pod brownies.

The reason for the high tea (though I don’t think anyone ever needs a reason to enjoy copious amounts of cake) was to introduce us to the wedding cakes they’re creating. Masterpieces which make me want to get married again.
And of course there’s the novelty cakes for kiddies birthdays, which taste as good as they look. Unlike other bakeries, Junipa’s co-owners and husband and wife team, Julian and Andrea Platt share the philosophy that each and every confection, cake or dessert created is a delectable work of ‘heart’ that needs to be ‘experienced’. “From the time you see the cake, to when it is sliced and pieces are shared amongst friends and family, we want the memory of that celebration to last a lifetime” says Andrea.

Sadly I couldn’t have a taste of everything. There just wasn’t enough space in my tummy. But the lovely ladies from Jenni Newman PR provided us with cake boxes when we left, which we were allowed to fill with ‘leftovers’.

By the way moms, if you’re looking for something a little different, your little ones can host their very own tea parties at Junipa’s. After learning to bake delicious sweet treats, children are seated at a beautifully laid table bedecked with a high tea that will have them jumping for joy. Pizza-making birthday celebrations are also available for children with a flair for food.

It’s official. I have found my new favourite place to celebrate International Coffee Day. Yes, a real day which falls on the 29th September. But I’d suggest you do yourself a favour and enjoy a little bit of cake and coffee heaven before then.

Give them cake. And cupcakes…

Emma fell from the heavens on the 10th May 2009. We met her six weeks later and my life changed forever. Every year I celebrate a day in honour of the little girl that saved me from myself. A little girl that makes me smile a lot more, laugh a lot louder and look at the world very differently.

In three years I have learned more from Emma than any school, university or peer has ever taught me. I have learned to be more patient, to love without limits and to give of myself unconditionally. I have also learned to care deeply for the things that matter and less for the things that don’t.

The most important lesson of all, however, is that a cupcake tastes better when eaten upside down (the cupcake, not me).

So on Saturday we celebrated our daughter’s 3rd birthday. It was an awesome day, surrounded by friends and family. A day filled with love, laughter and pretty cupcakes…

The letters were hired from In Good Company

The venue, The River Cabin, was the perfect setting for a party

I bought the bottles from Consol Glass. The paper straws, chalk tags, paper plates, serviettes and packets are all from In Good Company

 I had made Emma the pinkest tutu but she had her face painted like a kitty cat and stayed in character the whole day
Paper straws, pink drinks and hearts
Danielle from Moemas did all the food for the party. The grass and wooden mushrooms were hired from In Good Company. I bought the glass bowls and decorated them with different ribbons and filled them with sweets. Pink of course!

Butterfly, star and cupcake cookies in a bowl
Hedgehogs, busy bees and ladybug cupcakes

Yumminess in a jar
Veggie crudites and jelly bowls from Moemas

Sugar overload was prevented (slightly) with fresh fruit and pretzels
Fruit baskets were placed on picnic blankets around the garden

The mommies received a little thank you gift too
I made the bird nests and filled them with different types of chocolate eggs
The pinata ala Melinda was filled with all sorts of goodies

Little Ben was in awe of everything going on around him
The beautiful birthday cake was a magical toadstool. Danielle from Moemas included a baby Ben bunny

The kiddies party table

Emma making a wish

The enchanting little Ben
A delicious birthday cake, enjoyed by both the kiddies and moms and dads

A very happy birthday girl
Thank you Danielle for making Emma’s birthday such a wonderful occasion. The personal touches you added and help you offered played a huge part in making it such a success. Contact Moemas and get a 10% discount when booking your kiddies party

Sherene from innereyephotography captured the magical moments.

Balloons and kiddies bubble machine are from Elise at Jumping Jack Flash

What a magical birthday party

It’s been months and months of preparing and now it’s come and gone. What an AWESOME party is was.

Emma and her friends gathered at the The River Cabin (thanks to Nicki for the recommendation) to celebrate in a magical fairy WOODLAND setting.

The gorgeous and EXTREMELY talented Danielle from Moemas did all the food, from the melt in the mouth meringues to the delish quiches. Fruit salad, homemade granola and yoghurt and scrumptious pastries kept the adults happy. The kiddies food included cupcakes, cookies, marshmallows on sticks and jelly bowls. Everything looked too beautiful to eat, but eaten it was.

The piece de resistance without a doubt was the sleeping baby BEN dressed as a woodland bunny under the toadstool cake. Emma loves her baby Ben. Thank you Danielle xxx

The photos below were taken by me and don’t do the venue, the food and the decor any justice at all but as soon as I get the ‘official’ photos I’ll share them with you (as if there was any doubt)

Our pint sized guests didn’t want to leave but we managed to bribe them with balloons on their way out and when all was said and fun a great time was had by all, especially the birthday girl!

If you’re arranging a kiddies party don’t forget to chat to Danielle. She’s offering a 10% discount if you mention my blog.


It’s almost here. Can you feel it?

It’s Emma’s birthday party soon. Just around the corner. And all I can say is THANK THE BIRTHDAY STARS it is. Every spare bit of space in the house has party stuff squirreled away. Between Emma, dad and myself the sweet treats are going to be devoured before the big day…

Danielle from Moemas has been an absolute star. Nothing I have suggested has been too silly or ‘not going to happen’. In fact, she’s made suggestions where I’ve looked at her and exclaimed “SERIOUSLY! You can do THAT?”

A lot of the decor has been made by yours truly, keeping me busy and out of trouble. I’m not sure what I’m going to do when it’s all over. Ah yes, I’ll plan Ben’s 1st cake smash.

So here’s a few images from my homemade goodies using jars and bottles from Consol glass, straws, ribbon and other wonderful stuff from In Good Company. Not shown here is my DIY pinata and the various paper pom poms I made.

The inspirational party pics below were used as references for Danielle.

Don’t forget, Moemas is giving you 10% off your next kiddies party if you mention you saw this on my blog…

Drop Danielle an email and get ready to be AMAZED!

 A few twigs, some moss and white Easter eggs makes the perfect nest
 Speckled Easter eggs in a pile of moss
 My homemade gift bags
 Cold drink bottles from Consol, paper straws and chalk tags from In Good Company
 Meringues in a beautiful glass bowl
 Thank you gifts with a homemade toadstool
 Moss, and old basket lying around the house and lollipops make for a tasty tree
 Toadstools for a woodland party – made by me
 What’s a woodland party without bees and bugs

 Biscuits that look too good to eat
I can’t wait to see what Danielle’s done