This is a launch review. And yes, cakes were harmed

I was lucky enough to be invited to Junipa’s Cake Studio for a high tea on Friday. I thought it was the opening of a new little store only to discover that this gem of a coffee shop / cake studio has been tucked away in the the Hobart Grove Centre in Bryanston for years.

It was a chilly day but the warm welcome by the staff and the smell of fresh goods being baked and delicious coffee brewing had us feeling at home straight away. While I sat catching up with old friends and new, I made my way through some of the treats available to us, which included smoked salmon with cream cheese on bruchetta, spinach and feta phylo parcels, sundried tomato galettes, pizettes, brioche with masherated prune in port, scones (plain and lemon thyme), carrot cake, frangipani and strawberry tart, passion fruit meringue tarts, Junipa’s Signature red velvet cake (WITHOUT food colouring), red velvet pettit fours, rich fruit cake with glaced fruit. pistachio whoopi cushions (which I went ‘whoopi’ over), orange blossom profiteroles with caramel, caramel profiteroles, chocolate mint tarts and blackberry and vanilla pod brownies.

The reason for the high tea (though I don’t think anyone ever needs a reason to enjoy copious amounts of cake) was to introduce us to the wedding cakes they’re creating. Masterpieces which make me want to get married again.
And of course there’s the novelty cakes for kiddies birthdays, which taste as good as they look. Unlike other bakeries, Junipa’s co-owners and husband and wife team, Julian and Andrea Platt share the philosophy that each and every confection, cake or dessert created is a delectable work of ‘heart’ that needs to be ‘experienced’. “From the time you see the cake, to when it is sliced and pieces are shared amongst friends and family, we want the memory of that celebration to last a lifetime” says Andrea.

Sadly I couldn’t have a taste of everything. There just wasn’t enough space in my tummy. But the lovely ladies from Jenni Newman PR provided us with cake boxes when we left, which we were allowed to fill with ‘leftovers’.

By the way moms, if you’re looking for something a little different, your little ones can host their very own tea parties at Junipa’s. After learning to bake delicious sweet treats, children are seated at a beautifully laid table bedecked with a high tea that will have them jumping for joy. Pizza-making birthday celebrations are also available for children with a flair for food.

It’s official. I have found my new favourite place to celebrate International Coffee Day. Yes, a real day which falls on the 29th September. But I’d suggest you do yourself a favour and enjoy a little bit of cake and coffee heaven before then.

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